Woori India - Change your dream into reality!!!

The word "WOORI" is derived from a Korean language which means "We". Woori Education is translated as "Our Education".
The Company name comes from its philosophy, which is to provide quality Canadian education on the most favourable conditions for the international student. Since 2000 Woori Education has been successfully providing services to foreign students both in Canada and beyond. Woori Education has offices in different countries: Korea, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Latin America, Japan, Vietnam, Russia and the CIS. Also, Woori has spread its wings now in India.
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Why Choose Us?
A complete Overseas Education Consultancy Company
With no single doubt internet has made everything very easy and just a click away to understand the most complicated process...
Coaching For
As a student, how will you choose the most appropriate university that is compatible with your academic profile?
Our Partner
I feel I have a completely new perspective on the world, a new sense of what is important in life to me and what I want to aspire in my future. Mainly, living in Toronto in such a different place made me realise how people can be just as happy living very different lifestyles in a multi-cultural environment.
I feel much more independent and grown up now and I am certain that I want to live in Canada after graduating. Special thanks to Woori India for my admission and to help me realise my dreams.